Assessment tokens enable access to online assessments for students. But they can also provide useful information on whether students have been registered to an assessment, or have started or completed the assigned assessment.

There are 3 ways in which administrators and teachers can check the token status of students. 

Note: Teachers can only view details for students they are connected to via class membership.

There are three token status messages which include:

  • Registered: The student has been assigned to the assessment and has not sat their assessment. 
  • Started: The student has started their assessment and has not clicked finished. The same token can be used to complete their assessment.
  • Finished/Closed: The student clicked on finished and has completed their assessment. They may or may not have responded to the post-assessment feedback questions.

Please note: Tokens are valid for the duration of the term that the assessment is set to.

Approach 1: Token status in individual assessment groups

Step 1: Click on Dashboard

Step 2: Choose the subject

Step 3: Find the correct assessment group, click on Manage Users (The 'people' icon, under the Actions heading)

The token status will be listed next to the student profile.

Approach 2:  Token status for all assessments associated with an individual student

Step 1: Click on Users

Step 2: Choose the Learners tab on the top left hand side of the screen

Step 3: Click on Assessments icon (right hand-side of the screen, under the Actions heading) 

The token status will be listed next to the student profile.

Approach 3:  Token status via the Export Tokens csv file

Step 1: Click on Dashboard

Step 2: Choose the subject

Step 3: Find the correct assessment group

Step 4: Click on the EXPORT TOKENS button in the top right of your screen. The csv version of this file includes token/assessment status. It is an easy way to filter and sort students assigned to the assessment by their status.