Admins will have to assign classes to teachers before they can view reports or complete data entry for paper-based assessmentA. It is an important step so that teachers can have access to their classes, assessments, learners, and historic reports. Before assigning classes to teachers, Admins have to make sure that teacher accounts have been created. 

There are two ways for assigning classes to teachers:

  • A. Bulk assign classes
  • B. Individually assign classes

A. For bulk assignment of classes:

Step 1: Click on Classes (left-hand menu)

Step 2: To view all of your classes on one screen, please increase the page size if you have more than 15 classes.

Step 3: Click on the Select All button on the left-hand side of the screen to select all the classes

Step 4: Click on the Bulk Assign Teachers option on the right-hand side of the screen and the bulk assign teacher dialogue box will appear.

Step 5: Click on the drop-down arrow to bring up the list of teachers.

Step 6: Choose the desired teacher and click on the upward arrow to move to the next class

Step 7: After you have completed assigning all the classes, click on the Assign Teachers option to save your 


B. For individually assigning the class:

Step 1: Click on Classes 9left-hand menu)

Step 2: Click on Manage Teachers (3rd spy-looking icon, right-hand-side of the screen)

Step 3: Click on Add Teacher

Step 4: Click the Join Button (+) 

Teachers will be assigned to that class.